- Car Transfer :
- Getting into a car :
- Be sure the passenger seat is pushed all the way back.
- Recline the seat back as far as possible.
- With your walker in front of you, slowly back up to the car seat.
- Sit on the car seat.
- Swing your legs into the car.
- When traveling make frequent stops and get out & walk around.
- Getting out of car :
- Push the seat all the way back.
- Recline the seat all the way back.
- Lift your legs out. Place the walker up in front of you & stand up on the unaffected leg or leg which is having less pain.
- Getting into a car :
- Climbing up stairs :
- Climbing up stairs
- Use a hand rail ( if available ) to climb stairs.
- Lead with your non-operated leg or less painful leg, then operated leg and finally your crutches or cane.
- A family member should stay one step below helping you to climb stairs.
- Going down stairs
- Use a hand rail ( if available ) to go down stairs.
- Lead with your crutch or cane, then your operated leg and finally non- operated or less painful leg.
- A family member should stay one step below, helping you to go down stairs.
- Climbing up stairs
- Chair transfer :
- Back up to the chair until you feel both legs touching the chair.
- Slide your operated leg out in front of you, place one hand on the armrest.
- Lower your self slowly, keeping your operated leg straight out.
- When getting up, scoot your operated leg out in front of you until you can stand on it comfortably.
- Push up using the armrests, keeping your operated leg out in front of you.
- Bed transfer
- Getting up
- Pivot on your hips using your elbows to help. Keep your body straight with your operated leg kept to the side. Do not twist your legs.
- Move your unoperated leg around & sit on the edge of the bed keeping your operated leg straight. Hold on to your walker for support and stand.
- Getting Back in Bed
- Stand near the bed with your back to it.
- Lower your body until you are sitting on the edge of the bed with your operated leg straight out in front of you.
- Swivel on your bottom & lift your unoperated leg into the bed first, followed by your operated one.
- Getting up
- Toilet
- Put one hand on the wall, wash basin handrail for support.
- Keep operated leg straight in front of you. Reach down to put your other hand on to the toilet seat.
- Lower yourself onto the seat.
- To stand from the toilet, reverse this procedure.
- Walking
- A physiotherapist will help you to walk a short distance with walker.
- After couple of days, you may be able to progress to walking with a walker independently.
Precautions to be taken after Hip Replacement
- Don’t cross your legs.
- Don’t sit on a low chair. Height of your Hip joint should always be higher than height (level) of your knee joint.
- Don’t sit with legs crossed.
- Don’t sit on the floor
- Don’t use Indian style toilet, use commode
- Avoid twisting & bending forwards.