Joint Replacement Surgeon in Pune

About the Doctor

Dr. Mahesh Kulkarni


Dr Mahesh Kulkarni is an alumnus of B.J.Medical College, Pune. He completed his MBBS and subsequently MS (Trauma and Orthopaedics) from B.J.Medical college and Sassoon General Hospitals in Jan 1997.He migrated to United Kingdom in 1997 for higher studies after completing his PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board) test conducted by the General Medical Council (GMC). He started working at the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. He was then appointed as a registrar in the South-West rotation at Bristol. He completed his FRCS from the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons at Edinburgh in 2000. He completed his MCh course from the University of Liverpool in 2004.He was appointed as a Specialist Registrar in Trauma and Orthopaedics at the South-West rotation in Bristol in 2003. He completed his FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics), intercollegiate speciality board exam in 2005. He was awarded CCST (Certificate of Completion of Specialist training) in Trauma and Orthopaedics in 2006 and is on the GMC’s Specialist Register as a qualified Orthopaedic Surgeon.He received training at various hospitals on the Bristol rotation. He underwent speciality training in Lower Limb arthroplasty (Joint Replacement surgery of Hips and knees) at the prestigious Avon Orthopaedic Center (Southmead Hospital). He worked and trained with Professor Ian Learmonth, John Newman and Evert Smith. He worked at Bristol Pelvic Trauma Unit, specialising in Pelvic and acetabular fracture treatment at Frenchay Hospital, Bristol for one year.He completed his ATLS (Advance Trauma Life Support) training in 1999 and attended various conferences and CME’s while in England. He completed his AO fellowship in Trauma at Flinders Medical Center in Adelaide, Australia in 2006.He migrated to Pune, India in Jan 2007. Since then he has performed several Hip and Knee replacement surgeries including primary and revision replacement surgery. He has performed significant number of surgeries for fractures of Pelvis and Acetabulum.

He has been invited as faculty for various conferences on advances in Joint Replacement surgery and treatment of Pelvic and Acetabular fractures. He is a faculty with AO and has been on various courses in India and Asia-Pacific region. He is also a faculty with ATLS india.

He is currently working as a Senior Joint Replacement surgeon and specialist in Pelvic and Acetabular fractures at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, and Jehangir Hospital in Pune.

May 2005

The Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh Inter collegiate Specialty Board

Dec 2004

University of Liverpool

Feb 2000

The Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh

Dec 1996

University of Pune, India.

Dec 1992

University of Pune, India.

  • Early clinical experience with a metaphyseal bearing stem. Why have a stem? M Kulkarni, D Aspros, V Wilde, I LearmonthHip International: vol.16, S-3, 2006.3-7.
  • A study of the functional and radiological outcome of posterior wall fractures of the acetabulum treated surgically, comparing those with and without marginal impaction of the articular surface. A dissertation accepted by the University of Liverpool in accordance with the requirements of the degree of Mastership in Surgery (Orthopaedics), MCh (Orth), Jul 2004.
  • Intramedullary nailing of pathological forearm fractures-Case Report WN Martin, J Field, M KulkarniInjury 33(2002) 530-532
  • Management of open fractures of Tibia & Fibula by early soft tissue coverage with fascio-cutaneous flaps. Accepted by the Pune University for the MS Orthopaedics examination in Dec 1996.
  • A Study of comparison of functional and radiological outcome following Open reduction and internal fixation of posterior wall fractures of the acetabulum with or without marginal impaction of the articular surface. Presented at the annual meeting of the British Trauma Society, Leeds, Nov 2004.
  • A mechanical study of bioresorbable screws Presented at the annual meeting of the British Trauma Society, Leeds, Nov 2004.
  • Infection, recurrence or malignancy? Poster presentation at the British Orthopaedic Oncology Society meeting at Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, June 2004. JBJS, Vol 87-B 2005. Supplement 1, 80.
  • Clinical Presentations of Trochlear Dysplasia. Presented at the British Association for Surgery of the Knee (BASK) meeting in Slough, Berkshire in March 2006.
  • Early Clinical experience with a metaphyseal bearing stem. Why have a stem? First prize, best clinical paper at the annual meeting of the Bristol Orthopaedic Registrar’s group.
  • A Study of comparison of functional and radiological outcome following Open reduction and internal fixation of posterior wall fractures of the acetabulum with or without marginal impaction of the articular surface. Presented at the annual meeting of the British Trauma Society, Leeds, Nov. 2004.
  • A mechanical study of bioresorbable screws Presented at the annual meeting of the British Trauma Society, Leeds, Nov. 2004.
  • Infection, recurrence or malignancy? Poster presentation at the British Orthopaedic Oncology Society meeting at Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, June 2004
  • Management of Open fractures of the tibia with external skeletal fixation and early fascio-cutaneous flap cover.Presented at the annual meeting of the Maharashtra State Orthopaedic conference, Nasik, December 1997.
  • Management of paralytic hip dislocation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Indian Orthopaedic Association, Poona, November 1995.